I have no sense of any judgment of how a movie is nor do I have any specific interest in doing so. I never read reviews before or after watching a movie. I am that average disinterested person who just doesn't almost never wants to know what other people think of movies before I decide to watch them. Most of my decisions are based on my instinct including that of watching a movie. So basically I am that kind of a normal being for who even if some lyrics or a dialogue from a movie touch her heart, she would dance with happiness and contentment. Therefore, this blog post is definitely not for those who are looking forward to know how the movie Madaari is. In all probability, this blog post will be filled with my blabbering rather than any concrete comment on the movie.
As I stated, some movies or songs or even books touch my heart beyond what words can express. For me, such impressions leave a long lasting impact. This is because most of the times I feel wholly; I feel one thing or one emotion at a time and I do it fully and sensitively. I cannot multi-task. Most of the times it does not play in my favour but always it does make me evolve into a better version of myself, even though slower than most other people. But I do not regret this "when I think of the few people who love me unconditionally". Told you, I always blabber in blog posts!
As I lie down half awake on my bed at 00:57 AM in the morning after watching this heart touching movie, I have this emptiness in my mind. Part of the reason for this emptiness is also because I have just returned from a place where for the first time I experienced what it is to be completely empty from the mind - nothingness, stillness and emptiness. People usually experience this when they meditate. After all, meditation is supposed to do this for you. I wish to be in this state forever without having to talk too much, explain beyond what general reason would dictate or care too much about anyone but me.
Madaari is about this common person, the person who leads a simple life without caring too much about what is going on in the world but who is strong enough to stand and shake the world when faced with gross injustice. So basically it is a movie about us or maybe it is not. I leave it upon you to decide.
We do feel injustice when we witness it in the world - wars, murders, corruption, rapes, violence etc. But we do not always feel or do anything about it when it happens at the most personal level - the level that shakes your soul off. Madaari is about that. Madaari is about the average us, the मदारी in us.
For me, Madaari gives me the strength to speak against daily injustices. For instance, the societal injustice I face as a woman, the pressure of doing certain things at a certain age like marriage or education, the gross injustice of expectations from people who do not even matter and would just talk - the simple, small, huge injustices. Many people say, just turn the table around, play cleverly or just let it be. Don't feel it too much. But I do. I am not clever and smart, I am sensitive and honest. I cannot plan or strategise. But what I can do is not stay silent. I cannot be clever but what I can be is simple and give it to people on their face.
Madaari ends on these lines -
बोल की लब आज़ाद हैं तेरे
बोल ज़बान अब तक तेरी है
तेरा सुत्वा जिस्म है तेरा
बोल की जान अब तक तेरी है
बोल की थोड़ा वक़्त बहुत है
जिस्मो जुबां की मौत से पहले
बोल की सच ज़िंदा है अब तक
बोल जो कुछ कहना है
कह ले....
On first reading, these words may seem like some words filled with patriotism. For me, they are not. For me, these are for us, for the normal average us, the us who fight small battles everyday.
Until next time,
कह ले....
As I stated, some movies or songs or even books touch my heart beyond what words can express. For me, such impressions leave a long lasting impact. This is because most of the times I feel wholly; I feel one thing or one emotion at a time and I do it fully and sensitively. I cannot multi-task. Most of the times it does not play in my favour but always it does make me evolve into a better version of myself, even though slower than most other people. But I do not regret this "when I think of the few people who love me unconditionally". Told you, I always blabber in blog posts!
As I lie down half awake on my bed at 00:57 AM in the morning after watching this heart touching movie, I have this emptiness in my mind. Part of the reason for this emptiness is also because I have just returned from a place where for the first time I experienced what it is to be completely empty from the mind - nothingness, stillness and emptiness. People usually experience this when they meditate. After all, meditation is supposed to do this for you. I wish to be in this state forever without having to talk too much, explain beyond what general reason would dictate or care too much about anyone but me.
Madaari is about this common person, the person who leads a simple life without caring too much about what is going on in the world but who is strong enough to stand and shake the world when faced with gross injustice. So basically it is a movie about us or maybe it is not. I leave it upon you to decide.
We do feel injustice when we witness it in the world - wars, murders, corruption, rapes, violence etc. But we do not always feel or do anything about it when it happens at the most personal level - the level that shakes your soul off. Madaari is about that. Madaari is about the average us, the मदारी in us.
For me, Madaari gives me the strength to speak against daily injustices. For instance, the societal injustice I face as a woman, the pressure of doing certain things at a certain age like marriage or education, the gross injustice of expectations from people who do not even matter and would just talk - the simple, small, huge injustices. Many people say, just turn the table around, play cleverly or just let it be. Don't feel it too much. But I do. I am not clever and smart, I am sensitive and honest. I cannot plan or strategise. But what I can do is not stay silent. I cannot be clever but what I can be is simple and give it to people on their face.

Madaari ends on these lines -
बोल की लब आज़ाद हैं तेरे
बोल ज़बान अब तक तेरी है
तेरा सुत्वा जिस्म है तेरा
बोल की जान अब तक तेरी है
बोल की थोड़ा वक़्त बहुत है
जिस्मो जुबां की मौत से पहले
बोल की सच ज़िंदा है अब तक
बोल जो कुछ कहना है
कह ले....
On first reading, these words may seem like some words filled with patriotism. For me, they are not. For me, these are for us, for the normal average us, the us who fight small battles everyday.
Until next time,
कह ले....