Sunday, 15 November 2015

When I Met Oliver Page!


Image Copyright: Pankhuri                    Location: Brighton, United Kingdom               Taken on: October 6, 2015
Jon Cherry a.k.a Oliver Page at his sprawling chestnut stall with beautiful postcard pictures
As we returned back from the long amazing hiking trip to the seven sister's cliff in Brighton, we stopped by at the bright sprawling market area in Brighton to eat some food. As we sat at a Mexican restaurant named El Burrito, we saw a man selling chestnuts and dates at a small stall nearby. I went up to the stall and started looking at it. The man asked me, "Would you like to try some chestnuts, young lady?" I answered back, "No I am good. Thank you. I am just looking at the pictures. What are chestnuts by the way?"

He explained to me about chestnuts. And then he said with beaming eyes, "I like cherries in summer and chestnuts in the winter. I take care of my chestnuts." 

Then I went back to my table to join my friends for dinner. At the very next moment, I felt that he has something unusual, a story to tell, a story that I should hear (not sure why I felt this). I went up to him and asked,  "A few of my friends run an amazing production house in India, they click amazing pictures and write people's stories. I was just wondering if you would like to talk to me more." (not the best start to solicit a story but it worked here :D)

He told me to follow him inside the restaurant, outside which we were waiting for food. He pointed at a picture on a huge mirror, fitted perfectly on an ancient looking wall - the perfect amalgamation of the new and the old. He asked pointing at the picture, "Do you know this?" I said, "Yes, it is from the movie Titanic." He said, "This is me, this guy on the side. I am Oliver Page. They still send me money." I was startled! Like really? I looked at him and then at the picture and then back at him again. He smiled and walked away quietly. I followed him outside. We then started talking. He seemed a bit unusual to me but I was sure by now that he has done a lot of theatre - just from the way he was speaking, the way he was moving, gave me an indication that he has done theatre. 

He told me that he was born in London and then he grew up in the suburbs of London. He then got a scholarship later and moved to study in Texas. Then he moved to California and started doing theatre. 

I was hearing all of this and many more details intently. 

I asked him, "What made you setup this lovely shop in this beautiful town?" He answered, "I am too old to lie. I am too old to want anything from anyone else, that they would not gladly give me. The word home is hay, heaven. Right? People say the word is from Nevada. But it is not. It is like a chestnut. Here is my poem. This is for you:

Is it true, home is where the heart is?
Always moving 
Then far from home are also far from having a heart
My heart is here, now, with you
Let us call this home and now then
Knowing one future dorm will break across the bridges we travel here
Where our heart's longings will cease to ache
As natural home, the heart upon we make"

His eyes saw the tears in my eyes. And he said, "I wrote that poem and I am so proud of it. But I am so glad that you got it. My gift to you."

When I came back to the restaurant, the owner asked me, "How was your conversation with Jon?" I said, "Who Jon?" He said, "You know he is Oliver Page right? Jon Cherry is his original name. Oliver Page is for the audience." I said, "I am going to write about him. Thank you." I left a thank you note and left as the aroma of the warm hot Mexican food pulled me towards it. 

The 'Thank You' note travels to Brighton!
While I was sitting at the table to have dinner, Jon came to us and gave us chestnuts to eat. He took out a small bottle from his pocket and put some salt on the table. He said "Chestnuts taste best with the salt. Just try". We all were so hungry that we quickly finished it all. He left to attend his customers without taking money. I kept watching him all the time and then I waved him goodbye with a smile and a promise to return back.

As we departed, he shouted laughingly to Joseph at the restaurant and told us, "And Joseph tells me today morning that, "Jon you are adopted!"" He laughed and turned back to his chestnuts.

It is strange how some experiences turn out to be the best memories in life. I promise to return back to this wonderful place again to meet these beautiful souls. I am sure that no matter how much I describe such experiences, words will never be enough to describe the feelings and emotions of being in that moment with those people! 


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