Saturday, 5 December 2015

If You Don't Have Compassion, You Are Not A Human Being!


Location: SOAS, University of London       Taken on: December 5, 2015      Event: Tales of 1947 - A Play

Why is a woman always at risk? In every situation, in every context? We have a lot of answers to this question. We can do research, dig deep into academia, advocate, debate and answer this in various contexts to satisfy ourselves that we understand all that is wrong with the world. We can also choose to not care. We have all rights to live the way we wish to.

This is not the aftermath of watching a play on the partition of India and Pakistan and the horrible tales people went through, this is not anger culminating from seeing women deprived of their dignity since time immemorial, this is also not the consequence of getting strong and vivid images of women who are stripped of their dignity every single day multiple times in this world....right here where we live!

This is a simple statement - enough is enough. I no longer want to plead to anyone to take some step, to take some action, to care, to be human for a change. I just want to say this now - if you don't care, you are not a human being. If you don't have compassion, you are not a living being. If you can't empathise, you don't have a heart, you don't deserve to live. Period.


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