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Why ken-sho?

I believe that every moment spent on this beautiful planet should be spent in actually 'seeing' through the heart and soul. Very few of us actually comprehend and understand what we see. So does 'seeing' translate into comprehension and insightful awakenings? I don't think so. On the other hand, 'seeing through the soul' does provide us with some comprehension and insights. But how do we ensure that we see through the soul? I guess we need to see the true nature of every thing and every being for the same.

Kensho is a Japanese term from the Zen tradition; 'ken' means seeing, 'sho' means nature, essence

In this blog, I will share my experiences, emotions, thoughts, value systems, beliefs and, dreams, based on this line of thought - I believe in seeing through my soul to comprehend and understand this world; to live to the fullest and; to contribute my verse in making this world a better place. 

"That you are here - that life exists and identity, 
That the powerful play goes on, and you may contribute a verse." 
~Walt Whitman

With hope and faith,
Pankhuri :-)

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